Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes – “This world… it’s not what we thought.”
2월 24, 2025 | by SE_Lover

New Trailers This Week | Week 5 (2024) – Must-See Previews!
Get ready for an exciting week of new trailers! From action-packed blockbusters to heartwarming dramas, there’s something for everyone. I’ve handpicked the most intriguing trailers released this week, so you don’t miss out on the upcoming cinematic gems.
Trailer of the Day
This week, the spotlight is on “[Trailer Name – e.g., ‘Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’]”. This trailer offers a tantalizing glimpse into [briefly describe the movie/show – e.g., a dystopian future where apes rule and humans struggle to survive]. It’s visually stunning and packed with suspense!
Dialogue Snippet (if applicable)
– Character A: “This world… it’s not what we thought.”
– 캐릭터 A: “이 세상은… 우리가 생각했던 것과는 달라.”
– Character B: “We have to adapt, or we won’t survive.”
– 캐릭터 B: “적응해야 해, 그렇지 않으면 살아남을 수 없어.”
Key Vocabulary and Phrases
Tantalizing: (아주 흥미로워서) 감질나는, 애타게 하는
– The trailer offered a tantalizing glimpse of the new superhero movie.
– She found the aroma of the baking bread tantalizing. -
Dystopian: 디스토피아적인 (반이상향의)
– The film presents a dystopian vision of the future.
– Many young adult novels feature dystopian societies. -
Adapt: 적응하다, 맞추다
– The animals in the story adapt well in the changed environment.
– It can take time to adapt to a new culture. -
Blockbuster: 블록버스터 (크게 성공할 것으로 기대되는 영화/책)
-The studio is hoping for another summer blockbuster.
-The author’s latest novel is expected to be a blockbuster. -
Cinematic: 영화의, 영화 같은
-The film was praised for its stunning cinematic visuals.
-The director is known for his cinematic style.
Cultural Tips
Trailers often use specific techniques to build excitement and anticipation. Understanding these can give you insight into how Hollywood (and other film industries) create buzz and hype. Notice the use of quick cuts, dramatic music, and carefully chosen dialogue to create a specific mood. The concept of a “blockbuster” is also deeply ingrained in American film culture, representing a film with high expectations for commercial success.
Practice Challenge
Use these new words in your own sentences:
- “The chef prepared a tantalizing five-course meal.”
(그 요리사는 정말 군침 도는 5가지 코스 요리를 준비했어.) - “The novel explores a dystopian future where technology controls everything.”
(그 소설은 기술이 모든 것을 통제하는 디스토피아적 미래를 탐구해.) - “He had to adapt quickly to the new working environment.”
(그는 새로운 작업 환경에 빠르게 적응해야 했어.) - “The new superhero movie is expected to be a summer blockbuster.”
(새로운 슈퍼히어로 영화는 여름 블록버스터가 될 것으로 예상된다.) - “The sweeping landscapes provided a cinematic backdrop for the story.”
(광활한 풍경은 이야기에 영화 같은 배경을 제공했다.)
Watch & Reflect
Watch the featured trailers (and others that catch your eye) and pay attention to the storytelling techniques used. How do the trailers make you *feel*? What questions do they leave you with? This helps you not only learn English but also become a more discerning viewer.
Application Challenge
Discuss the trailers with a friend or language partner. Use the new vocabulary you’ve learned. Can you predict which movies will be successful based on their trailers? This is a great way to practice speaking and critical thinking in English!
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